One of the biggest challenges that business owners have to face is building their brand. Even if a brand is already established, consistency is the key to continued growth. When a brand is consistent across all platforms. It reinforces the power of that brand as well as the value that customers see in it.

Here are three reasons why brand consistency matters to your business:

Brand Consistency  is the delivery of brand messaging in line with the brand identity, values, and strategy over time.

  1. Brand Consistency Shows Customers You Mean What You Say

No matter how a customer comes into contact with your brand. It is important to convey the same message to reassure them and reinforce your relationship with them. The promises you make on your website should be validated when a customer pays you a visit. And the way you portray your brand across all forms of media should always be authentic in its messaging.

For example, if you are running a social media campaign that promotes special offers and a link to your website. The landing page should directly reflect and relate to what the customer saw before clicking. Similarly, if you are one of the many businesses across various industries that are utilizing direct mail as part of a cross media marketing strategy to drive up sales… Postcard, flyer or catalog that you are using should invite customers to look for you and visit you. (online or offline depending on your business model). So that you can continue to build that relationship with them that will then lead to conversions on your end.

Pro tips: When sending a direct mail postcard, include a #hashtag to invite the customer to engage with you on social media. The key is to make sure that you have already used that #hashtag to populate branded content. This way they will see when they check their social media feeds and look for you. You can also use direct mail to invite them to send you an email if you have set up an email marketing campaign that gives them access to even more special offers and discounts.

  1. Brand Consistency Shows Dependability, Which is Huge for Your Business

Being dependable is exactly how you want your clients to view you. For example, when a customer comes into your store or office or when you go out to meet them. It is important that they know who you are, how you can help. Also exactly what they are getting from you. The last thing they would want to see is erratic behavior, and the same principles should be applied to your branding. If you show signs of inconsistency, it could make customers think twice about doing business with you. On the other hand, if your branding is consistent, your customers will see your business as a dependable resource that they won’t have to second-guess.

  1. Brand Consistency is Important Because Customers Trust Brands They Recognize

This might be the most important part of the branding equation. With all of the time and money you are spending to secure clients and have them place orders, one of the biggest reasons that customers make any purchase from any business in the first place is because of trust. The more visible your brand is, the more potential clients will recognize your branding; and the more recognizable your branding is, the more they will trust you.

Are you looking for professional branding solutions to promote your business? Visit and get your quote!